Mini Concrete Batching Plants at wholesale

  • Mini Concrete Batching Plants buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Mini Concrete Batching Plants buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Russia Russia
Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования

Negotiated Price

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The mixture components (inert and cement) are loaded into the skip of a twin-shaft concrete mixer. An inert and cement dispenser platform is installed under the skip. The required dose is counted on the control panel board. As inert and cement are dosed, the skip rises to the top with a drive winch and the components of the mixture are poured into the mixing chamber of the concrete mixer. Mixing of the mixture occurs. As necessary, water is supplied using the DVP-1000 automatic water dispenser; the required dose is set on the control panel. The finished mixture is fed through the sector valve of the concrete mixer, which is equipped with a pneumatic control system. RBU operation is controlled from the floor using the control panel. Possible delivery of concrete plant in a protective coating of zinc. The coating is applied by cold galvanizing.