Unloading Supporting Frame for Concrete at wholesale

  • Unloading Supporting Frame for Concrete buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Unloading Supporting Frame for Concrete buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Russia Russia
Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования

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Views: 1483

The frame is basic, mobile. Installation without foundation. Reinforced structure, adapted for unloading concrete at a height of 4,500 mm. Concrete mixer platform with supporting structures. Ladders for equipment maintenance. Perimeter fences. Ladder with railings. Funnel for unloading concrete with a rubber guide. processing, double painting in a drying chamber