Concrete Batching Plant Assembly Kit at wholesale

  • Concrete Batching Plant Assembly Kit buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Concrete Batching Plant Assembly Kit buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Russia Russia
Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования

Negotiated Price

Views: 2341

Hardware for assembling the Concrete Batching Plant: dosing complex, overpass, screw, silo Hardware accessories Cable for securing the screw Kit for connecting the DB (pneumotube, sleeves, bends, clamps RVC 51-70, duct PVC-5-C-60) Limit switch block for the OBD Set for water supply (pipes, bends, couplings, tees, anchor bolts, brackets) Set for RBU pneumatic system (pneumatic hoses, pneumotube, fittings, hardware) Set of wires for connection Couplings (5 items) Sealant TempPlus acid adhesive sealant