Vibrating Press Block Machine at wholesale

  • Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
  • Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
  • Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
  • Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
  • Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia Vibrating Press Block Machine buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
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Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования

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The purpose of the MAXIMAL vibrating press is to obtain a variety of building products from rigid concrete mixtures using the semi-dry vibropressing method. The composition of the technological equipment is determined by the customer’s requirements: the required productivity, placement capabilities, the supply of raw materials and can gradually increase from a minimum (vibration press + mixer) to a fully equipped plant, with the implementation of weight dosing of inert materials and automatic operation. Kits of interchangeable forming equipment (punch-matrix) allow us to produce a wide variety of building products with a wide range of uses: used in new construction, restoration of old buildings and landscaping of adjacent territories, creation of original architectural features of the building. The product range is constantly replenished with new samples, while consumer desires are limited almost exclusively by the area of ​​the molding zone 1000 x 600 mm and the height of the products 50 ... 300 mm. MAXIMAL can be operated and stored indoors or under a canopy at an ambient temperature of + 5⁰ to + 45⁰ C. The minimum area required to accommodate the MAXIMAL forming unit, raw materials and finished products warehouses is 300 m², the minimum hook lifting height load-lifting equipment of 3.5 m. The timing of commissioning of the MAXIMAL forming unit with the receipt of test products by the commissioning team of the manufacturer is 5-8 working days. To operate the equipment are allowed persons who have been trained on the right to work, maintenance and repair, familiar with the safety rules. The starting material for the preparation of the mixture are aggregate, binder and water. As a filler, sand, screenings of crushed stone production, expanded clay, slag, ash, sawdust and any other bulk materials capable of acquiring and maintaining a given shape after mixing with a binder can be used. Cement is used as a binder. When using a cement-based mixture, finished products are aged from 1 (at a temperature of + 15⁰ ... + 45⁰ С) to 2 (at a temperature of + 5⁰ ... + 10⁰ С) days, after which they acquire a strength sufficient for storage and transportation. 100% of the product’s strength is acquired after 28 days at a aging temperature of 20 ° C. If the consumer has a thermo-humidity treatment (TVO) chamber, the products can be heat-treated for 6 ... 8 hours at a temperature of at least + 50⁰ ... 75⁰ C. and humidity 80 % In this case, after cooling and drying, they acquire 60 ... 80% of brand strength. The special design and high precision of the matrix manufacturing ensure high geometric accuracy and a beautiful appearance of the products obtained on the MAXIMAL forming block. Due to this, during the construction of buildings made of wall stones, it is possible to accelerate the masonry process while saving mortar and to obtain smooth walls with thin seams, and when using other products obtained in the construction, it is beautiful to improve the territory. In the process of operation of the MAXIMAL unit, products are pressed out of the mold forming equipment of the vibropress onto special pallets. Pallets are designed for aging molded raw products during their natural hardening or steaming. The delivery set of the complex includes 5 pallets and 1 rack intended for the manufacture of an experimental batch of products when the complex is launched at the consumer. For the complex to work in single-shift operation, the consumer must produce on their own from 500 pallets (the number of pallets is determined by the quality of organization of production at the consumer and the presence of a TVO camera, less is required for steaming products of pallets, more for natural hardening). In addition, the consumer must produce from 100 racks for storing pallets with products. The number of shelves is determined by the number of pallets: five plywood pallets are placed on one rack.