Big Bag Unloading System at wholesale

  • Big Bag Unloading System buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
Big Bag Unloading System buy wholesale - company Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования | Russia
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Златоустовский Завод Бетоносмесительного Оборудования

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The URM Big Bag Unloading System allows unloading both disposable and reusable bags (with an exhaust valve). When using a disposable bag, a quick-detachable cutting unit must be installed in the hopper funnel before work. When using reusable bags, the cutting unit must be removed. Remove the cutting unit carefully so as not to damage the rubber membrane (if installed). Depending on the configuration, the method of loading and holding the bag differs, the unloading of which is carried out: - in configuration “B”, with the help of a forklift or workshop hoist, the bag suspended from the crosspiece is installed and held above the hopper at the required height; - in the “T” configuration, before starting work, the retractable frame must be set to the required height. Using a forklift or intra-shop hoist, a bag suspended from a cross is placed above the hopper. The bag is held by a cross, which is supported by a retractable frame; - in the “C” package, loading and holding the bag suspended to the crosspiece 12 is carried out by the electric hoist “Balkansko Echo” (Bulgaria), placed on the rail of the unloader frame. Hoist capacity 2 tons, power 3 kW If soft containers are used to store cement, as a rule, in this case, the height of the bags does not exceed 140 cm. In the configuration “C” structurally provides a 600 mm frame height reduction using inserts. This solution allows you to use the unloader in the "constrained by height" intra-workshop conditions. When a disposable bag is installed above the hopper, its bottom is opened by the cutting unit and the contents are unloaded. To improve the unloading process, you must turn on the vibrator. The vibromotor can operate cyclically or continuously, depending on which product stream you need. At the end of the unloading phase, the vibrator motor should run for another 1-2 minutes to unload product residues that could be stuck in the folds of the bag. When installing a reusable bag over the hopper, it is necessary to open the inspection window, stretch the outlet valve pipe of the bag and untie the ropes so that the product starts to come out of the bag. Close the inspection window and turn on the vibration motor. To remove the bag and stop working or replace the empty bag with a full one, it is necessary to completely unload the funnel and perform the above operations in the reverse order.