Sanitary Protection Zone Project

  • Sanitary Protection Zone Project
Sanitary Protection Zone Project
Russia Russia
Экологические услуги

110 000.00 RUB

Views: 1229

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities who plan to provide their organizations with water using an artesian well or lake / river, need to establish a sanitary protection zone for water sources.

To do this, the design organization orders the development and approval of the project of the sanitary protection zone.

The project includes:

General information about the object.

Description of the sanitary condition of the territory where the well is located.

Rules and regime for the economic use of the territory included in the WZD of all zones of the well.

Data on construction prospects in the area of ​​the well location.

The plan of measures to improve the sanitary condition of the territory of the ZSO.

Conclusions (does the project comply with SanPiN

Cartographic material.

Attachments (copies of documents, events for 1, 2 belts of the WKS with land users).