Calculated Sanitary Protection Zone Draft Rationale

  • Calculated Sanitary Protection Zone Draft Rationale
Calculated Sanitary Protection Zone Draft Rationale
Russia Russia
Экологические услуги

185 000.00 RUB

Views: 1223

Calculated Sanitary Protection Zone Draft Rationale - a document developed by an environmental engineer to justify the size of the sanitary zone of a particular facility (enterprise).

Sanitary protection zone - the territory between the boundaries of the industrial site, warehouses for open and closed storage of materials and reagents, agricultural enterprises, other sources of harmful emissions and adverse physical effects and the border of residential buildings, landscape and recreation zones, recreation areas, as well as other territories, used by the population, taking into account future development. It is an obligatory element of any object - a source of impact on the environment and human health and is subject to organization and improvement. Duration: data collection, development and coordination of 3 months.
Process: 1) discussion with the client of the details of the work, the cost of the project is discussed; 2) the signing of the contract and payment of the advance; 3) conducting an inventory, transferring the source data; 4) project development; 5) approval of the project in 2 instances; 6) transfer to the client of the agreed project, payment for work.