Candy Bars "Dainty Viands" at wholesale

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Candy Bars Dainty Viands buy wholesale - company
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"Дары Памира"

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Chocolate bar with cocoa nibs "Dainty Viands", 40g

Item: EKT-020

Coconut pleasure and the paradise sweetness of dates will remind you of summer adventures in tropical countries. The coconut bar with dates has exclusively natural ingredients. It will drive away fatigue, replenish the protein content in the body.

Beneficial features:

Improves digestion

Normalizes metabolism

Improves performance

It has an antioxidant effect.

Contains many beneficial substances.

Improves memory

Ingredients: dates, coconut.

Nutrition value per 100g: proteins - 9.5g, fats - 18.5g, carbohydrates - 46.5g

Energy value per 100g: 390 Kcal
Vitamins: C, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, H and PP

Expiration date: 6 months.

Weight: 40g