Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat at wholesale

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  • Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО
  • Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО
  • Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО
  • Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО
  • Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО
Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО Bester-570 Fiberglass Cabin Boat buy wholesale - company ООО
Albania Albania
ООО "Саитов"
Сосновка, Кировская область

Negotiated Price

Views: 2275

The fiberglass cabin boat Bester-570 is designed for walking, fishing and hunting on rivers, in the coastal zones of lakes, reservoirs and seas in the daytime at a wave height of up to 1.2 m. Under an outboard motor with a capacity of up to 140 hp The boat Bester-570 can be used as a traveling, working boat for various public services and inspections.

The boat has sharp-shaped contours of the “deep V” type with variable pitching. The shell of the hull and deck is made by contact molding of fiberglass based on polyester resin reinforced with glass materials. Bester-570 is a boat which, with its relatively small size and low price, is excellent for sport fishing, hunting, and is used as a service and traveling boat. Also good for walking and as a family boat. Bester-570 is distinguished by the stability of the course at low speed. The cabin is surprisingly spacious and functional.