Polypropylene Twine TEX 1000 at wholesale

  • Polypropylene Twine TEX 1000 buy wholesale - company ООО «Дилинс-М» | Belarus
Polypropylene Twine TEX 1000 buy wholesale - company ООО «Дилинс-М» | Belarus
Belarus Belarus
ООО «Дилинс-М»
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Views: 1633

Polypropylene twine - durable thin products used for domestic and technical needs, which are made from polypropylene yarns by torsion. In the manufacturing process, only high-quality primary raw materials are used.
Twine is used as packaging material for various types of goods, in agriculture for tying rolls of hay, in greenhouses for gartering plants, in the food industry, post offices, furniture production, in the manufacture of gear for fishing.