Navien Medium and High Power Gas and Diesel Boiler at wholesale

  • Navien Medium and High Power Gas and Diesel Boiler buy wholesale - company ТОО ВК Энергопром | Kazakhstan
Navien Medium and High Power Gas and Diesel Boiler buy wholesale - company ТОО ВК Энергопром | Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
ТОО ВК Энергопром

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High quality and safety
The boilers have protection against low water levels, in case of interruptions in the supply of fuel, lack of exhaust gas draft, overheating and protection against freezing of water in the boiler. Build quality and appearance are the best in Korea.

The RTD series is made entirely of stainless steel, which significantly reduced the weight of the boilers, ease of transportation and installation, while the durability of the boiler is proved by many years of operation in different regions of Kazakhstan.

The RPD series is made of heat resistant stainless steel. Making boilers of such power from stainless steel is very expensive. However, in terms of service life and other technical characteristics, these boilers are not inferior to any other boilers and are simple, reliable, and at a great price.

If necessary, these boilers can be converted to natural / liquefied gas when replacing the burner and boiler automation.

Convenience of installation and operation
The boilers are equipped with a special frame for convenient transportation and installation. The heating pipes can be supplied from either side. Forced exhaust, if necessary, dispenses with the atmospheric high chimney.

High efficiency
The design of the boiler provides high efficiency. The burner is very reliable with proper care and proper operation, components from the best world manufacturers (DANFOSS, SUNTEC, DUNGS) are installed in the design.