All Aluminium Conductor (AAC ) at wholesale

  • All Aluminium Conductor (AAC ) buy wholesale - company Jinshui Wire&Cable Group | China
All Aluminium Conductor (AAC ) buy wholesale - company Jinshui Wire&Cable Group | China
China China
Jinshui Wire&Cable Group

Negotiated Price

Views: 1218


The rated tensile strength of AAC is denoted with the result of total cross-section of all aluminum conductors multiplied by min.tensile of corresponding size specified in the standard for aluminum wire.


All Aluminium Conductor has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient erection and maintenance, low line cost , so it is widely used in overhead transmission and distribution lines of various voltage levels.


All Aluminum Conductor meets or exceeds the following standards: IEC61089, BS215 part1, DIN48201 part5, ASTMB231, BS EN50182, GB/T 1179-2008.