Customs Clearance

  • Customs Clearance
Customs Clearance
Russia Russia
Таможенное агентство "СТАРТ"
Москва, Москва

Negotiated Price

Views: 1802

Attention! We advise for free!

on working days from 10 to 18. +7 (926) 083-79-07

Our advantages:

Work in 40 international and 8 domestic ports.

Collaboration with 15 consolidation warehouses in Europe and 5 warehouses in Asia.

20 company representatives.

20 regular customers.

Strong business relationships with 15 companies.

More than 20 ships won in favor of our customers.

11 employees working since the establishment of the Customs Agency "Start".

No matter what customs procedure you need to go through, with us you can be sure that your issues will be resolved easily and without any delay.