Yarn at wholesale

  • Yarn buy wholesale - company Exppak International | Pakistan
Yarn buy wholesale - company Exppak International | Pakistan
Pakistan Pakistan
Exppak International

Negotiated Price

Views: 2168

Pakistan has the inherent advantage of being the 4th largest producer of cotton in the world with a huge potential to further increase crop yield. The domestic availability of basic raw material is considered to be an added advantage for the success of any export led industry. In this context, Pakistan ranks as 3rd in the world in the field of yarn production.
Pakistan’s leading buyers of cotton yarn are China, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Korea Republic, Turkey, Japan, Portugal & other countries. Pakistan is amongst the largest producers of cotton, with large spinning capacity in Asia. In fact Pakistan contributes 5% to the global spinning capacity after China and India. At present, there are 1,221 ginning units, 472 spinning units (including unorganized units) and 425 other small units that produce textile products. All these factors now contribute about 55% to the country's total exports.
Pakistan has emerged as one of the major cotton textile product suppliers in the world market, with a share of world yarn and cotton fabric trade of about 30% and 8% respectively, maintaining the sector as a backbone of industrial activity for the country.

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