Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory

  • Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory
Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory
Russia Russia
Экологические услуги

30 000.00 RUB

Views: 948

In accordance with Federal Law No. 96-FZ "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", Art. 22, 30., Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia No. 352 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting an inventory of stationary sources and emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air, adjusting its data, documenting and storing data obtained as a result of such inventories and adjustments"

Organizations using stationary sources carry out an inventory of stationary sources and pollutant emissions into the air. The inventory procedure is carried out as part of production environmental control. Based on the data obtained during the inventory, a report is prepared on the inventory of emission sources. The document is stored in the organization. In case of verification, the document can be checked by the inspector of the supervisor.

In itself, an inventory of stationary sources and emissions of harmful (polluting) substances into the air (emission inventory) is a systematization of information on the distribution of pollution sources in the enterprise, on the amount and composition of emissions.